Earlier this year I wrote a post about lace knitting Diamond and Lace. I had, until that time never attempted a lace-based project as the whole knitting lacey garments scared me. As I said in that post:
‘The silly thing about this aversion to lace knitting is I am, and always have been, drawn to the craft in a big way. I ooh and ahh with the best of them as I explore books, patterns, stitches and finished garments.’
Five months on I have to say all has changed. I am becoming hooked on lace.
My latest cardigan design is knitted in Touch Yarns 8ply merino yarn and combines a simple lace pattern with cables.

I am also working on an all-over lace pattern for a cardigan, a design which has proved to be challenging to this newly minted lace lover.

So, what has changed my attitude to lace?
It was simple really. Like other challenges we all have in life, I decided to face my fear and just start.
Baby steps aka choosing the right stitch pattern to begin with has worked well with me as has swatching different lace stitch patterns to get a feel of how the stitches work together and becoming comfortable with knitting them.
I still have lots to learn but am enjoying every minute of this new obsession.
What books are you publishing or are your patterns to buy on line. You really should do one or the other because I can only follow patterns and not one bit creative like you.
Do you sell the patterns? Your patterns and work are lovely!
Thank you Anne. I have two patterns nearly ready to be published with this one and one other in the wings. I will sell them on Ravelry to begin with.
Hello Christine. In the future I would love to write books that combine my love of literature and history with that of knitting. In the meantime , I have two patterns almost ready for publication. They will be available via Ravelry.
Hi Linda I love your website and I haven’t knitted for quite some time. I have a very vivid memory of knitting a cable jumper in about 3rd year high school. It was in burgundy, forest green and white and I just loved it. You have inspired me to start knitting again as a relaxing project. Thank you 🙂
Thank you Sue. Knitting is such a relaxing hobby – maybe we should form a knitting circle 🙂