Rose’s Scarf & Hat

Rose's hat

Designing and knitting Rose’s scarf and hat has been a real joy.

Rose, who lives in New Hampshire, USA is a very special friend and I decided to knit the scarf and hat as a Christmas present for her as winter in NH can be incredibly cold.

Rose's scarf
Rose’s scarf

Yellow is Rose’s favourite colour – and the yellow yarn I chose will brighten even the coldest day.

The scarf and the hat are framed by a cable and lace pattern interspersed with moss stitch and the effect that this combination has is quite stunning and elegant.

I was not planning to publish this scarf and hat as it was a personal gift but, when I uploaded photos of the work on a few Facebook knitting groups I belong to, the feedback was tremendous with so many knitters expressing their wish to have the patterns.

Today, I made the patterns available via my Ravelry Store.

At the moment they are bundled together. In the next few days they will be available separately on Ravelry and on my webpage.


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      Linda Cooper

      Thank you for your lovely comments Ann. I do hope you enjoy knitting and wearing the scarf and the hat.

  1. rosemarie kowalski

    I am so so blessed!!! Thank you so much, Linda!!! Your talent is beyond measure and I love you to pieces!!!!

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